How do you know how to play the minigame?

Written by Mie Demol
Updated 1 year ago

Minigames / reading exercises are indicated in Karaton by a white hand. This means that the game is available to play.

When a minigame is played the first time, a short instruction animation will be shown to solve a test word. Follow these instructions by clicking or pressing on the locations indicated by the little hand.

Each minigame has more or less the same structure. These are the main parts:

1 Stop

By clicking this button, you can stop the game early.

2 ‘?’

If you press the '?' you can watch the instructional animation again to see how the game is played.

3 Word counter

This shows how many words the children have to read in these exercises. If they have read a word correctly, a green dot appears. If they have read a word incorrectly, the bullet turns red. If they read all the words correctly, they get bonus material.

4 Minigame overview

This is a summary of the game. It shows how many words have been read correctly and how much material and reading power has been earned.

5 Reading power

The number of points of reading power you accumulated by solving correct words.

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