Which results can I see in the Academy?

Written by Mie Demol
Updated 1 year ago

As with settings, it is also possible to get a detailed overview of the results in Karaton. This info is divided into 3 sections, each giving a separate insight into the progress and difficulty of the exercises.

The most common mistakes

This section shows the children's most common mistakes and how many times they answered a particular word incorrectly. The more they repeat a particular set of words the more accurate these results will be. So it can be useful to temporarily not adjust the settings for certain children to get a good overview of where they still make mistakes.

Results graphs

These graphs show a child's play behaviour. The first graph shows the total number of words versus the reading quality. The reading quality shows the percentage of these words that were correct. The second graph shows the reading speed versus the reading quality. The reading speed in this case is the child's reaction speed. This means how fast or how slow they press an answer in a mini-game. So a child may have practised many words and have a high reaction speed but poor reading quality. This may indicate that the child is guessing and needs to take more time to read their exercises.


The history shows when and which settings have been adjusted per reading technique. When settings have been adjusted, this is also shown with an orange dot on the charts. If a child has a sudden drop in reading quality, this may imply that the exercises are too difficult if there is a recent orange dot on the timeline.

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